Looking for Oracle db install guide 12C, Agile 9.3.385

We have a dev system, two servers, Agile PLM and Agile DB server.
The agile DB server has disc errors and I cannot export the db and it is failing backups. 
IT has created a new agile db server and I’m attempting to install Oracle DB and then Agile schema on it.
It’s been a long while since I’ve done that and I don’t remember how to answer all the prompts on the oracle install. Thankfully the software was on the server 1) Oracle DB Installer 2) AgileDB Installer but there weren’t any instructions there.
I found the agile install db guide with the instructions for the install of agile db but I haven’t been able to find the instructions for the install of the Oracle Database server. Does anyone have that handy for Agile release 9.3?


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3 Answer(s)

Hi Laura,

The database installation details haven’t been included with the Agile documentation since 8.5 / AA, so we need to use the Oracle documentation instead, which can be a bit of a chore. It might be faster to ask specific questions here and the group can help.

Agile Angel Answered on June 3, 2019.
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Hi Keith,
Thanks so much.
I already tried one installation with advanced install type and it seemed like it completed ok but I when I continued with the agile db install that failed to create the schema. It couldn’t seem to open the db and I’m missing the oracleoradb12home1tnslistener service. (I do see the oracleserviceagile9 service but the log on as username is showing a ./AgilePLM2 instead of the domainusername so not sure if that is the issue. IT had created a user for the service but when I tried to use it the install didn’t seem to find it).

I’ve got Oracle directory and the files underneath it. If I want to do the install again should I just delete the oracle directory and rerun oracle db install and agile db install?
Or maybe the oracle db is ok and just need to fix the username?  See below for prompt questions.

I’m installing 12c db on windows server 2008 R2 standard SP1 for Agile 9.3.385

Here’s my questions in order of prompts
1. type of db installation: single instance, oracle real application cluster or Oracle RAC One Node db install
2. (i picked single instance in step 1)  Install Type:  Typical Install or Advanced Install
the first time I tried install I picked typical but the default file locations didn’t seem right so I backed up and picked advanced install instead
3. For the Oracle Home User: use existing (I tried using one that IT set up for me but it didn’t work), create new windows user (I typed in AgilePLM2) as user) or use windows builtin acct?

I’m not sure now if Oracle db install is ok and just the agile part is not?Maybe the install created log files and I can find those. 


Agile Talent Answered on June 3, 2019.
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Hi Laura,

I think you might be most of the way there for the install. The single instance is the most common, unless you want to cluster the database, in which case a DBA really should be doing the install. The execution user is more of a security question. In a dev environment, I have no issues running as the local system account, but some companies have a strict security policy even for dev environments.

I suspect you have the database binaries installed properly, as that’s the easy part. The Agile database installer not running properly makes me wonder if you’re running into 64-bit OS issues. I’m adding steps I used (years ago…) that may help. Once the Agile instance is created, then the network activity needs to be completed (create the listener and service name details) by running Net Manager, or Net Configuration Assistant and Net Manager.

Installing Agile Database on 64-bit system. 

When opening a command prompt always open as Administrator (right-mouse click on Command) 

  1. Run DB installer script to the screen just after specifying the directory where to put Agile9Tmp 
  1. Change the Agile9Tmp directory name on the machine and then cancel the installer. 
  1. In the Agile9Tmp directory edit the DBVAR.txt file. 
  1. Make sure the @AGILE9DB_SIZING@ variable is set to the appropriate database sizing template, such as Dbsizing.mdm.  Dbsizing.tmpl, which is the default, is the same as the demo sizing and is not appropriate for customers. 
  1. Correct the @ORACLE_HOME@ variable 
  1. Open a command prompt to this directory, set ORACLE_HOME, then execute agile9dbscripts.bat. 
  1. This will create the adminagile9createagile directory 
  1. Change the <oracle home>oradata@ORACLE_SID@ directory to agile9 (assuming agile9 is the instance name set in the DBVAR.txt file. 
  1. Open a command prompt to the createagile directory and execute agile9dbinstance.bat 
Agile Angel Answered on June 3, 2019.
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