ITEM table. How do I select* in SQL developer to view detail?


ITEM table. How do I select* in SQL developer to view  detail? I’m totally new to doing any query in Agile and just need to know how to start a query from an Agile table. 

Agile User Asked on June 5, 2020 in Others.
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2 Answer(s)
Best answer

select * from item where item_number = ‘134433-14’;

select item_number, p2.* from page_two p2, item i where = and i.item_number = ‘134433-14′;


There is a lot more but this gets you started.

Agile Angel Answered on June 5, 2020.
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Thank you. It ultimately was a schema and access issue but I’m on my way.

Agile User Answered on June 5, 2020.
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