How to get a change context

We are trying to get a Change context  like this dynamically


private IAgileObject getObj() throws APIException{
// APfactory = AgileSessionFactory.getInstance(URL);
APsession = connect();
HashMap APhashmap1 = new HashMap();
/// APhashmap1.put(“agile.1047”,ChangeConstants.ATT_COVER_PAGE_NUMBER);

But it is giving Invalid parameter 60018, any idea what may be the issue?


As per document, it  is mentioned agile.classID and agile.1047 to be used.


3.6.7 Identifying Attributes for Agile PLM Classes

Each Agile PLM class has a different set of identifying attributes that could be passed as parameters in an encoded URL. For example, a Change object would pass its class ID and Cover Page.Number attribute. The following table lists the identifying attributes for each Agile PLM class.


Class Parameter Description
Change agile.classID Class ID of selected object
Change agile.1047 Cover Page.Number


Not sure what is the issue?

Agile User Asked on August 13, 2021 in Agile PLM (v9).
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