Full Text Search in Agile 9.3.6

I try to define FTS in Agile  936, but encountered some problem.

I run the below SQL  procedures and can see the result:

SQL> select file_type “Index File Types”, count(*) “Count” from files where lower(file_type) in (‘doc’,’docx’,’ppt’,’pptx’,’pdf’,’txt’,’html’,’rtf’,’xml’,’xls’,’xlsx’) group by FILE_TYPE order by 2 desc;

Index File Types Count
——————– ———-
pdf 5335
docx 3484
PDF 829
doc 122
pptx 57
xlsx 54
txt 19
rtf 7
xls 3

11 rows selected.

SQL> select count(*) “Count” from files where content_url is not null;


SQL> column “Content URL” format a40
SQL> select substr(nvl(content_url, ‘NULL’), 1, 40) “Content URL”, count(*) “Count” from files where lower(file_type) in (‘doc’,’docx’,’ppt’,’pptx’,’pdf’,’txt’,’html’,’rtf’,’xml’,’xls’,’xlsx’) group by substr(nvl(content_url, ‘NULL’), 1, 40);

Content URL Count
—————————————- ———-
https://testnuvodmz.topsaas.net/Filemgr/ 9939

SQL> exec ctx_ddl.sync_index(‘FILES_CONTENT_IDX’);

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.


But, when run the below SQL, any result appearing:

SQL> select count(*) “Count”, pnd_index_name “Index Name” from ctxsys.ctx_user_pending group by pnd_index_name order by 2;

no rows selected


Can you help me to solved this issue?

Agile User Asked on December 22, 2019 in Product Collaboration.

What are you expecting to see with this query?

SQL> select count(*) “Count”, pnd_index_name “Index Name” from ctxsys.ctx_user_pending group by pnd_index_name order by 2;

on December 22, 2019.


can you please let me know in which schema owner you have executed the below query >


SQL> select count(*) “Count”, pnd_index_name “Index Name” from ctxsys.ctx_user_pending group by pnd_index_name order by 2;


we should run it as SCHEMA OWNER as AGILE

on January 2, 2020.
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can you please let me know in which schema owner you have executed the below query >


SQL> select count(*) “Count”, pnd_index_name “Index Name” from ctxsys.ctx_user_pending group by pnd_index_name order by 2;


we should run it as SCHEMA OWNER as AGILE

Agile User Answered on January 2, 2020.
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