email notifications

how do i troubleshoot email notification, it has stopped working.  it worked before now notifications are only visible in agile inbox, but no email sent to outlook.

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4 Answer(s)

What can solve your problem most of the time… restart the application and services.  Agile has always recommended a healthy system requires a monthly restart.  If that does not yield results then a more technical deep dive is needed.

Agile Angel Answered on December 4, 2018.
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When the amount of time it takes to process the notifications exceeds the notification wait time, it is possible for no notifications to be sent.  When this happens it’s best to increase the notification wait time (Admin >> Server Settings >> Preferences >> Notification Wait Time (in seconds) then restart Agile.

Agile Angel Answered on December 4, 2018.

Keith; Patrick, thank you for your response.  I did reboot yesterday.  is there a way to do a send test?

on December 4, 2018.
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Thanks Keith!  Go Galactic Tag!

Agile Angel Answered on December 4, 2018.
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From any object in Agile you can send via the Action menu Send selection. You can also test sending an email be directly connecting to the smtp gateway via telnet and sending a message the way Agile would using email commands. This is more cryptic but tests the smtp gateway and removes Agile from the equation. See attached pdf for how to run telnet and send email commands.

Agile Angel Answered on December 5, 2018.

thank you guys for you input, I rebooted the server again and all notifications came through.  I’ve also extended the wait time as well.  @steve Jones, I have tested the smtp relay server by using telnet so the problem wasn’t there, but I will try testing using actions.  Thank you

on December 5, 2018.
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