Best Practice for adding a new workflow step to an existing workflow

Hi brilliant Agile folks,

Have you seen a ‘best practice’ document for adding a new workflow step to an existing workflow and keep the same workflow name?

We  need to add a new step between CCB and Released and I’d like to keep the same workflow name.

I thought I could copy the old workflow to a new name ‘workflow_new’ then add the new step and the criteria.  Rename the original workflow to ‘workflow_old’ .

Then copy ‘workflow_new’ back to the original name.

The issue comes with the change status privileges for the role – if I create them under the ‘workflow_new’  then they don’t reference the right workflow when I copy it back to the original name.

Is there a way to create everything in dev and keep the same workflow name and export it to production?



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4 Answer(s)

You have the right idea.

  1. Rename old wokflow
  2. SaveAs to new workflow with desired name
  3. Add/remove step(s)
  4. Enable new workflow. Disable old

Yes, you will need to identify any criteria based on the old workflow and duplicate them and their associated privileges for the new workflow. Duplicate these since the old workflow may still have in-process changes on it.

Agile Angel Answered on May 27, 2020.
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Hi Steve,

Thanks for that input.

When I rename the original workflow to ‘workflow_old’ it changes the workflow name for all the changes where it was used to ‘workflow_old’ as well.   Is there any way around that?




Agile User Answered on May 27, 2020.
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I am afraid not. The old workflow name changes everywhere it was used. Choose a nice name like, “Workflow 1 (obsolete)”

Agile Angel Answered on May 27, 2020.
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That’s what I thought.  Thank you!



Agile User Answered on May 28, 2020.
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