Arif's Profile
Agile Angel



  • Hi Matt,

    Not sure if this change will make much of difference.  m_session or session are just variable. It should work either ways as when you don’t specify IAgileSession it will case m_session to session object. It works pretty much like varchar. 

    I have used in either ways and it worked. So whichever approach works u need to go with that 🙂 


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  • Hi,

    I believe i forgot to comment one line. Please remove the following line and re-try. 

    ai_item = (IItem);


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  • Hi Mark,

    Reviewed and tried running the code on my instance looks fine at the moment to me. I have edited your code. Please try now. 

    import com.agile.agileDSL.ScriptObj.IBaseScriptObj
    import com.agile.agileDSL.ScriptObj.AgileDSLException;
    import com.agile.api.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import com.agile.px.IEventInfo;
    import com.agile.px.EventConstants;
    import com.agile.px.IWFChangeStatusEventInfo;

    void invokeScript(IBaseScriptObj obj) {
    IAgileSession session = obj.getAgileSDKSession();
    IEventInfo req = obj.getPXEventInfo();
    IWFChangeStatusEventInfo e = null;

    try {
    if (req instanceof IWFChangeStatusEventInfo) {
    eventInfo = (IWFChangeStatusEventInfo)req;
    String message = “Update: Nothing to process”;
    obj.logMonitor(“Now looking at Affected Items LSR and MRR”);

    if (eventInfo!=null) {
    IDataObject dataObject = eventInfo.getDataObject();
    IAgileClass relObjectClass = dataObject.getAgileClass();
    if (!relObjectClass.isSubclassOf(ChangeConstants.CLASS_CHANGE_ORDERS_CLASS)){
    //throw new AgileDSLException(“The PX is only applicable for Change Order”);
    obj.logMonitor(“The PX is only applicable for Change Order”);
    // Iterate through Affected Items table
    ITable ai = dataObject.getTable(ChangeConstants.TABLE_AFFECTEDITEMS);
    Iterator it = ai.iterator();
    IRow row = null;
    while(it.hasNext()) {

    row = (IRow);
    ai_item = (IItem);

    String item_number = (String) row.getValue(ChangeConstants.ATT_AFFECTED_ITEMS_ITEM_NUMBER);
    obj.logMonitor(“Item number: ” + item_number);

    //You can get desired change attribute value here or the base-ID

    // —– LSR —–
    // Affected Item TEXT12 contains the LSR (Lowest Ship Rev)
    // —————
    String m_value_LSR = (String) row.getValue(ChangeConstants.ATT_AFFECTED_ITEMS_TEXT12);
    obj.logMonitor(“Affected Item LSR: ” + m_value_LSR);

    // —– MRR —–
    // Affected Item TEXT14 contains the MRR (Min Repair Rev)
    // —————

    String m_value_MRR = (String) row.getValue(ChangeConstants.ATT_AFFECTED_ITEMS_TEXT14);
    obj.logMonitor(“Affected Item MRR: ” + m_value_MRR);

    // —– Now let’s update the item —–
    IItem m_item = (IItem) session.getObject(ItemConstants.CLASS_ITEM_BASE_CLASS, item_number);

    // Page Two of the Item will hold the LSR (Lowest Ship Rev) in TEXT16
    m_item.setValue(ItemConstants.ATT_PAGE_TWO_TEXT16, m_value_LSR);

    // Page Two of the Item will hold the MRR (Min Repair Rev) in TEXT20
    m_item.setValue(ItemConstants.ATT_PAGE_TWO_TEXT20, m_value_MRR);
    obj.logMonitor(“Succesfully updated the values”);
    catch (Exception ex) {
    obj.logMonitor(“Update was not successful”);
    throw new AgileDSLException(ex);


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  • Hi Smitha,

    Does this issue comes up in Normal browser lay-out or it happens only while re-sizing it. 

    I have seen this issue mostly in Internet Explorer. Generally you can tick-off the Compatibility mode. Try chrome and firefox instead. This issue won’t come hopefully. 


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  • Hi.

    I assume you have already configured the event.  Try using the following script in handler.  

    import com.agile.agileDSL.ScriptObj.IBaseScriptObj
    import com.agile.agileDSL.ScriptObj.AgileDSLException;
    import com.agile.api.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import com.agile.px.IEventInfo;
    import com.agile.px.EventConstants;
    import com.agile.px.IWFChangeStatusEventInfo;

    void invokeScript(IBaseScriptObj obj) {
    IAgileSession session = obj.getAgileSDKSession();
    IEventInfo req = obj.getPXEventInfo();
    IWFChangeStatusEventInfo e = null;
    try {
    if (req instanceof IWFChangeStatusEventInfo) {
    eventInfo = (IWFChangeStatusEventInfo)req;
    String message = “Update: Nothing to process”;

    if (eventInfo!=null) {
    IDataObject dataObject = eventInfo.getDataObject();
    IAgileClass relObjectClass = dataObject.getAgileClass();
    if (!relObjectClass.isSubclassOf(ChangeConstants.CLASS_CHANGE_ORDERS_CLASS)){
    //throw new AgileDSLException(“The PX is only applicable for Change Order”);
    // Iterate through Affected Items table
    ITable ai = dataObject.getTable(ChangeConstants.TABLE_AFFECTEDITEMS);
    Iterator it = ai.iterator();
    IRow row = null;
    while(it.hasNext()) {

    row = (IRow);
    ai_item = (IItem);

    String item_number = (String) row.getValue(ChangeConstants.ATT_AFFECTED_ITEMS_ITEM_NUMBER);

    //You can give get desired change attribute value here or the base-ID

    String your_bom_text_attribute = (String) row.getValue(ChangeConstants.ATT_AFFECTED_ITEMS_NEW_REV);

    String m_value = (String) row.getValue(ChangeConstants.ATT_AFFECTED_ITEMS_NEW_REV);

    IItem m_item = (IItem) m_session.getObject(ItemConstants.CLASS_ITEM_BASE_CLASS, item_number);

    m_item.setValue(ATT_PAGE_TWO_TEXT17, m_value);
    //You can enter your desired page two attribute value here.

    obj.logMonitor(“Succesfully update the values”);
    catch (Exception ex) {
    throw new AgileDSLException(ex);


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  • Agile Angel Asked on May 15, 2017 in Agile PLM (v9).

    Just sharing Issue Fix for reference of other folks

    Root-Cause : It happens when root activity is deleted while it’s children are still in db. 

    Fix : 
    1. Backup database.
    2. Then run below sql to make sure activity 862302 is gone(The sql should return 0 results):

    select * from activity where id=862302
    (The Activity ID which was coming on screenshot) 
    3. Create a new project using web client, e.g.a project named ‘Testxxxx”.  (Can be any name).
    4. Find this Testxxxx in database and get its id, e.g:1856367 .
    5. Change the id of this fakeproject to 862302 and owner to User for which the issue was coming:
    update activity set owner=[id of impacted user], id=862302 where id= [id of fakeproject];
    6. Restart agile server and try to inactivate the user, and then delete his projects.

    • 8 answers
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  • Agile Angel Asked on May 8, 2017 in Agile PLM (v9).

    Totally depends on the volume of such import. Have you tried to check what is the CPU utilization at that time. You can come-up with custom codes and schedule during off-business hours. Or if the frequency is pretty higher you can have a scheduled job running over weekend. 

    Generally we prefer keeping the high CPU-utilization/time-consuming jobs on weekends. 

    The performance is mostly impacted if too many stuck-threads are getting created. You can have an SR open with Oracle, share the A-Collect logs and they will be able to provide system specific solutions. 


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  • Agile Angel Asked on May 3, 2017 in Agile PLM (v9).

    Hi Raghu,

    If you have DB Access, as mentioned by Srinivas it is the most easy and effective way of tracking error . 

    e.g. Select * from Event_History where Message like ‘%Error%’ order by LAST_UPD DESC or  Select * from Event_History where Message like ‘%Exception%’ order by LAST_UPD DESC

    You can also explore sharing the Audit information via mail based on your required filtering on the db-column value. 


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  • Agile Angel Asked on May 3, 2017 in Agile PLM (v9).

    Did you try to do a force shutdown of the node from command line.

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  • Agile Angel Asked on April 12, 2017 in Agile PLM (v9).

    It’s pretty much like normal import that you do in tool. I remember it working.  You can refer to PG & C User guide ( E61146-01) and refer to “Importing Substances to the Declaration” for more details. 


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