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GrabCAD is a Community where members come together to share ideas, inspiration and, probably above all, their favorite CAD models online.

We’ve asked some members to tell us about their favorite models. First up is Hans de Ridder, a designer from the Netherlands who joined GrabCAD in 2011 and has uploaded more than 950 models to the Community.

“For me, it is not only the designing/engineering of the actual 3D model, but the rendering is perhaps more important (read challenging),” de Ridder said. “To transform a 3D model into a ‘real’ model by using Photo View 360 is always a nice but difficult job. Getting the materials, lights, decals, viewing angles, and scenes working together is always a nice challenge.”

Nooooo No-See-Um

The actual model is quite simple, but I was very pleased with the rendering. Used Photoshop to design the decal that’s been pasted on the can. I always try to get the renderings as perfect as can be, and this one almost looks like a picture from a real spraying can.

Rizla Rolling Papers

This model is not as simple as it looks. I did spend many hours to get the paper and carton as lifelike as possible. Many re-starts were required. It was quite a job to get the folding and bending as perfect as possible. Topped it off with a rendering that lasted a few hours. I was again quite pleased with the result.

HR HoverMaster 3000 (Hovercraft)

Started as a joke, but could not stop adding details in order to get it right. This craft doesn’t exist, but maybe it could someday…

Spider Mini Crane

Needed a spider crane to “decorate” a method statement, but couldn’t find a proper one in this Community – so I had to build a new one from scratch. This crane has become a very popular model (all over the world), proof for this is the fact that I have found it for sale on several Chinese websites. Always nice to see your work is appreciated.

Zr.Ms. O-29 “Zandhaai”

Modeling a submarine looks easy, but it’s not. To get the feeling that you are looking at a real vessel, you need to add tiny details, flowing lines, and submarine-like features and colors into the model. I ”believe” this model is a perfect example of how it’s done. The craft doesn’t exist, so the only thing that needs to be done now is to build it in real life.

If you would like your models selected to appear on the GrabCAD blog, send a message to Content Manager Dave Moran: dave.moran@grabcad.com.

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